Friday, January 13, 2012

The Turtle Humping Incident

Much to the dismay of the reader, this incident really did happen.  I was at ZooAmerica on Wednesday with a friend of mine (she will remain nameless [I will send this to her later] sorry I had to) and we were walking through the zoo and walked into the desert building.  Much to our dismay there was a group of 4 turtles, two of which were doing the turtle version of the horizontal mambo.

I know some people will be thinking to themselves "oh that's just repulsive" or "why are you writing about this on a public forum" Well all you naysayers I will explain...When I walked in and saw the turtles humping like rabbits (they really weren't they aren't just slow walkers) my first instinct wasn't to turn away in disbelief or to think how repulsive it was, but rather my first instinct was to start laughing and pull out my camera phone so I could take pictures to prove that I was not hallucinating this fantastical event.

That being said, I know it was immature of me to do but that is not the only occurrence of me seeming to revert to childhood nature.

After the incident at ZooAmerica, my friend and I went to a comic book store, I know this seems very nerdy so bite me, and I geeked a little bit over Star Wars comics and proceeded to by a Batman Graphic novel.  When I got home and read through the comic my geek out proved to be more costly because I ended up buying two more Batman comics by the same writer and finally finishing the Watchmen all within hours of each other.

I like this new found youthful vigor inside of me.  When I was a kid I did not read comics as much as my cousins, I watched movies and escaped in to a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. That's right ladies and germs, Star Wars was and is my passion of choice. This passion of mine has continued to this day and as a result of my inner geek finally winning a battle I subsequently changed my religion to Jedi!

What was I talking about? I seem to have blacked out and woken up in a strange place surrounded by turtles....I don't like it, not one bit. Wait is that the Millennium Falcon I hear? It is! Han is coming to save me from the clutches of Darth Box Turtle and his maniacal humping.

Ah yes! A funny conclusion to a pointless rant....My work here is done!!!!

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