Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Hot Freak Caper

For those of my faithful readers it has been a couple of weeks since my last post.  I really do not know how to follow that one up.  I really have not had anything that has been as funny that I can rant and rave about.  Unless we can consider my first radio show of the semester on Friday.

I run a weekly radio show at my campus radio station (since I want to be a radio dj it fits) Any who, I was running my show and one of the gimmicks we did was we copied a bit from a show that we had seen on youtube.  A morning show had an actor on their show and had him do a dramatic reading of a LMFAO song.

In our infinite wisdom my friends and I thought, "Aha!!!! We can do that, and one up them in the process."  So what did we do, we started planning our attack.  We found which songs would be the best to do a "dramatic reading" of and then Friday came.  The songs we ended up picking were "Don't Cha" by the Pussycat Dolls and "Rape Me" by Nirvana.  Needless to say the people who were in studio listening to Ted Kipp's rousing renditions of both were rolling on the floor laughing because of how ridiculous they were!!

In any case it was a hit and we are planning on doing one at every show...they can only get better.

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