Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Day...and the Descent into the Depths

A day to go and we will be at the great American holiday of Thanksgiving.  A day capitalized by pigging out, watching sports, sleeping, eating some more, and then wake up in the dead of night to go get the "best deals" on shit we don't need.

I sit here and ponder how and why have gotten so materialistic.  I admit I'm a victim to the materialistic world, much as any other Joe Schmo, but I want to understand why.  Why has a day that was celebrated by the pilgrims and native Americans becoming saturated with FOOTBALL!!!!

As I ponder this new world bull shit I am reminded that I must make the three hour trek out of the mountains and back home for this day of gluttony.  Unfortunately as I come to this cursed realization it is while it is currently pissing on Campus outside...and as I was informed about an hour ago, it is supposed to turn into a slushie bull shit, hooray for a three hour drive home in this crap!

As much as I curse the long hours alone in the descent to home, I am overcome by the sense of happiness that I will, for the first time in several months, get to see my family.  Not my parents, I see them every other week, but my grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.  It is a time when my cousins and I can sit down and talk about the latest video game that we want or the newest movie that we can make fun of (in this case the Twilight b.s.) or to get feedback on my current endeavor of blogging.

So, that's where I'm at in my current dilemma of the day.  Also, don't know what to do with my self for the next twelve hours...YAY!  It's going to be a long day!

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